Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tutorial: PS4 Remote Play via ANY Android Device

Normally I do not post about work of other people but since this comes from outside of the normal PlayStation scene I think it's worth to talk about.

Remote Play Button (step 9)
  1. In case you have it installed, uninstall the PlayStation®App from your device
  2. Download this .apk file
    1. Move the file to "/System/App/"
    2. Change the permission of the .apk to RW-R-R
  3. Download this .dex file
    1. Move the file to "/Data/Dalvik-Cache/"
    2. Change its permissions to RW-R-R
  4. Download these two XML files: 
    1. com.playstation.playstationcertified.xml
    2. com.playstation.remoteplayident.xml
    3. Move the files to "/System/etc/permissions/"
    4. Change their permissions to RW-R-R
  5. Download these two JAR files:
    1. com.playstation.playstationcertified.jar
    2. com.playstation.remoteplayident.jar
    3. Move the files to "/System/Framework/"
    4. Change their permissions to RW-R-R
  6. Reboot your phone/tablet
  7. Start the PlayStore, download and install the PlayStation®App
  8. Install the .apk file you downloaded at step 2
  9. Start the PlayStation®App and click the remote play button
  10. Play remotely!

Credits go to everyone involved from xda-developers.com + especially Wesley32 for the original tutorial!

Maybe someone gets it to work with BlueStacks for PC easy compatibility ? :)